Dos and Don'ts During the Pandemic


We are all currently living with some restrictions due to the COVID-19 pandemic.  Some much-needed adjustments and personal choices are now taking place during this uncertain period.  How to avoid personal mistakes and choices that can affect you during and or after the pandemic!?  I will share with you some dos and don’ts during the pandemic, advice you may not readily hear from your medical professionals or your Heads of States.  Remember, we all will have to live with the consequences of the choices we are currently making, post-pandemic.

These are some other excellent tips, aside from hand-washing, mask-wearing, isolation, etc. with regards to human behaviour and life generally.  As we all try to cope emotionally, financially, and otherwise, while simultaneously try to protect against contracting the coronavirus.  Here are eight (8) dos and don’ts during this pandemic, to better guide you through this new normal.

Your personal nebulizer/respirator is very important to help you breathe better,  and can aid in so many ways during this time of worldwide pandemic. It is handy if you are having problems breathing.  It is perfect for use at home or on the go.


  1. Don’t encourage or reach out to toxic people, neither rebuild a previously toxic relationships, because you are lonely and or depress. This includes your ex-mates and ex-friends, (both males and females).  This is unhealthy and will leave you in a more depressed state sooner or later.  There are many ways you can learn how to cope alone during the coronavirus pandemic, but allowing yourself to become vulnerable, isn’t one. 
  1. Constantly eating because you are bored and or lonely is a no-no, however, temporary comfort food on rare occasions is normal. Try not to allow boredom and or loneliness to cause you to use food for comfort every time. Over-eating or binge-eating salty, greasy, and sugary foods will affect your health.  You are with surety, going to “pack on the pounds” and suppress your immune system.  If you must have comfort foods (which are most times unhealthy), do in moderation and balance with some sort of exercise regime.
avoid unhealthy foods, DOs and DON'Ts During the Pandemic
Avoid unhealthy foods (Image by Pixabay)
avoid junk foods, DOs and DON'Ts During the Pandemic
avoid junk foods (Image by Pixabay)
  1. Don’t blindly rush into a new relationship or commit to “shacking up” with anyone, because you think you must be “paired off” at this time.  It is not advisable to expose yourself to vulnerabilities so that you can be quarantined with someone you barely know.  This is not a good solution to combat loneliness and or for financial support.
  • The unwritten dating rules still apply and getting acquainted with someone takes time.  Do some courting before even thinking of getting serious and or living together.   Dating is still possible even if you cannot physically meet, there is no rush, get to know each other from a distance and don’t invite problems in your life.
  1. Don’t use or experiment with drugs, both legal and illegal, neither should you abuse alcohol, these can impair your judgment, rational thinking, and behaviour.  These will also raise your blood pressure, sugar level, reduce your immunity, and compromise your overall health.  This then leaves you more vulnerable and susceptible to contracting  COVID-19.
say no to drugs , esp, during the pandemic, DOs and DON'Ts During the Pandemic
Say no to drugs , esp, during the pandemic (Image by Pixabay)
say no to drinking and drugs , esp, during the pandemic, DOs and DON'Ts During the Pandemic
Say no to drinking and drugs (Image by Pixabay)
  1. Do not stereotype people, blaming, naming, and shaming any group, nationality, or race, it will not help us escape our predicament.  Anger and emotional fits are not healthy and will only stress you and those you stigmatize.  This is unproductive, negative, and wasted energy, we all in this together, therefore, we should band together and fight this.
  1. Don’t commit to anything during this period, without seriously evaluating its possible outcome, post-COVID-19.  Wait it out until we are out of this mess unless it’s urgent, this includes business deals and personal affairs.
  1. Don’t throw “COVID” parties, whether it may be at home with friends or family members, it doesn’t matter.  Social and physical distancing are encouraged to stop the spread of the virus.  Many people who don’t appear sick or display any symptoms (asymptomatic), may be infectious and are mingling and spreading the virus.  So, hosting of any parties or gatherings, should be discouraged, don’t start your own COVID-19 party spread.
No COVID-19 party, DOs and DON'Ts During the Pandemic
Don't host/attend "COVID Parties" (Image by Gerd Altmann - Pixabay)
  1. Don’t rush to travel/plan your international vacation, because some airports are reopening, and offers of cheap hotels and airfares are enticing. You’ll need to adjust to the newly introduced rules when it comes to flying, and the stress and restrictions associated with them.  Flying may not be as much fun as it was previously, even then, it had its stress factors, especially at airports.  Therefore, imagine how much more stressful and procedural it will be flying in the new normal.

Here are some of the factors to consider:

  • Countries will most likely require the quarantining of travellers for 14 days on arrival (at your expense).  Imagine being room-confined for 14 days in a foreign country, with all meals at the hotel, likely, at higher prices.  After the quarantine period and your vacation begins, you will now have to pay for at least a week’s stay.  Who is willing to pay the costs for room and meals in a country for 21 days and only enjoy 7 days?!
  • Wearing masks for the entire journey, at airports and on airplanes, consider how stressful and suffocating it’s going to be.
  • Less service onboard and less communication with fellow travellers, yet more unwelcome intermingling at airports.
  • Many stores, tourist sites, and restaurants will be more than likely closed in some countries you intend to visit.
  • Uneasiness at airports and especially on airplanes.  With a simple dry throat cough or a sneeze, due to maybe an allergy, you will be shunned and or looked upon with scorn.
  • Your vacation can become a nightmare, if your country or countries you are traversing, decide to suddenly close their borders.

Your personal protective hat and plastic screen in one.  It covers your entire face without blocking your view. 

It protects your eyes, nose and mouth from droplets.  It’s added protection during this time of worldwide pandemic. It is perfect for use in public for added safety.


  1. Exercise and stay fit and active twice times more now than previously, this is because you are currently less active.  Pre COVID-19, your daily routines, technically made up part of your indirect exercise regime.  Due to the closure of gyms, less socializing, and or you are working from home (WFH), your movements are less.

If you have returned to work or are an essential worker, remember, socializing, and extra-curricular activities were indirect exercises.  Something as routine as walking to/from and around the workplace, burnt calories, and was part of your physical fitness.

Unfortunately, now that your movements are less, you need to fill in this gap with exercise.  All this, to keep you fit and heart-healthy.

  1. Get your daily dose of vitamin D.  The free and best source is outdoors, SUNLIGHT, approximately 20 minutes every day, provides a boost to your immune system.  Switch off the air conditioners, heaters, and fans which are circulating stale air in your homes.  Go outside and refresh your lungs with some clean, fresh air and sunlight (aka vitamin D).
More sunlight, DOs and DON'Ts During the Pandemic
get more sunlight daily (Image by Stign - Pexels)
  1. Maintain and keep your immune system boosted with your fresh fruits and vegetables and at least 8 hours of sleep every night. Keeping your health optimal should be your main priority at this time.
  • Keep your blood pressure and sugar level in check, avoid stress, salty, and sugary foods. Remember COVID-19 is more lethal in patients with hypertension and diabetes.
  1. Have something worthwhile to wake up to each day. It can be a hobby, a project, or a new business venture.  It will provide you with a feeling of worthiness and relevance.

Protect yourselves from COVID-19…remember to use a mask when outdoors and esp. in crowds.  This mask is perfect for jogging, cycling and exercising outdoors.

  1. Keep up and maintain your grooming habit/routine. Not because you are not physically socializing means you should “let yourself go”. Personal hygiene and grooming, etc. and keeping yourself presentable is a must.
  1. Reach out to and stay connected with positive, drama-free, and conspiracy-free people. You will feel more uplifted, hopeful, and stress-free, as opposed to exposure to gloom and doom rhetoric, which leaves you anxious and depressed.   Seek out people who make you laugh more, its excellent medicine for the mind, heart and spirit.
laugh more,, DOs and DON'Ts During the Pandemic
Laugh More (Image by Gerd Altmann - Pixabay)


  1. Assume everyone you encounter has the coronavirus and can infect you. This includes those starting new relationships, those in extramarital relationships, casual friends, etc.  This way you can take extra precautions and protect yourself from everyone you meet, whether they have symptoms or not.
  • Remember, unlike HIV/AIDS where unprotected sexual contact, directly affects you and your partner only.  With COVID-19,  just one close encounter, along with your misguided actions can affect not only you.  You will transmit the virus to your spouse, children, parents, co-workers, and even your neighbours leading to community spread.  This is because the virus is present in the bodily fluids of COVID-19 positive people, and faeces and saliva of recovered patients.
  1. Take extra special care of your teeth, remember, most, if not all dental clinics are closed, so presently, you are your dentist. So, take extra special care of your teeth to prevent cavities, brushing, flossing, and avoiding sugars as much as possible. 

It may be a while before you can re-visit your dentist, now isn’t the time to have cavities and toothaches.  Even when the dentist reopens, many will be hesitant to have anyone in their mouths, with possible exposure to COVID-19.  We know toothache is one of the worst pains in the world so, take extra-special care of your “pearly whites”.

Take care of your teeth, DOs and DON'Ts During the Pandemic
Take care of your teeth (Image by Pixabay)


These are my essentials and gadgets I can never do without for a smooth and stress-free vacation. All are available on Amazon for direct links  to the products and information and suggested uses . 

 For MUST-READ BOOKS Think and Grow Rich is an excellent book for those who  are looking  to improve their life and personally grow and develop.   How to win friends and Influence people (#Ad) another self improvement and and social skills development read (excellent read …perfect for long airport layovers and during your flight) or during your free time.  CLICK HERE for the entire list of travel essentials and uses/descriptions


Nothing lasts forever, good or bad, so make wise decisions whilst living in this new temporary, normal.  One day we will emerge from this, hopefully as wiser, stronger, and better people.  However, it will depend on our current choices, due to the measures implemented, because of the COVID-19 pandemic.  

My advice to you is to protect and safeguard your, emotions, health, and finances during this time.  So, when we are fully out of this pandemic, we will not be negatively affected, because of bad personal choices made due to the negative effects of the  coronavirus scare. 

I hope you enjoyed this post,  now share with me some of your dos and don’ts during this pandemic.

DOs and DON'Ts During the Pandemic
(Image by D. J Mullings)

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